Roof Maintenance

Stay Dry This Season!

Do you invest in car maintenance? Why not invest in preventing roof leaks? Order our Attic and Roof Inspection and Maintenance service today. We provide a comprehensive picture report of areas in your house that you don't typically see. Take a proactive approach to safeguarding your home and ensuring its longevity.

Starting from $500

Single-Story House

Offer includes:

  • Attic inspection and Roof inspection report

  • Sealant replacement, 2 tubes

  • Light leaves clean up

Up to 1800 sq. ft.

Starting from $750

Two-Story House

Offer includes:

  • Attic inspection and Roof inspection report

  • Sealant replacement, 4 tubes

  • Light leaves clean up

Up to 2800 sq. ft.

Attic Inspection

An attic inspection is crucial for identifying traces of active minor leaks that may not be visible on the ceiling yet. Picture this scenario: your house has a leak caused by ponding due to the flow being restricted by leaves. This type of leak is particularly tricky because its visibility depends on the intensity of rainfall. It remains invisible during moderate rain or when the rain passes quickly. However, despite being unseen, the leak persists, leading to moisture accumulation in your attic space insulation, which can eventually cause mold.

This is precisely why our dedicated tech crew initiates the inspection process in the attic, diligently searching for any traces left behind by water. By addressing these issues proactively, we aim to safeguard your property from potential damage and ensure a healthy living environment for you and your family. Trust us to identify and resolve attic-related concerns with precision and care.

Innovative Architecture Solutions

The most common areas for leaks are where different types of materials are connected, such as various vents, flashings, chimneys, skylights, ridge nailing, HVAC unit hook ups etc. Roofers use sealants to waterproof these vulnerable areas. However, over time, most sealants can develop cracks due to exposure to weather and UV light. If roofing plywood is exposed to moisture, it can lead to more significant problems over time, resulting in costly repairs.

It's a good practice to regularly inspect and replace sealant if visible cracks are present. By proactively addressing these issues, you can prevent potential water damage and extend the lifespan of your roof. Trust us to provide thorough inspection and timely replacement of sealant to ensure the integrity of your roofing system.

Attic Inspection
Attic Inspection
Roof Ponding
Roof Ponding
Cleaning Gutters, Leaves and other Debris

It's quite common to find clogged or improperly sloped gutters, along with leaves and other debris, on the roof, which can disrupt the designed water flow or even cause ponding. Taking a little effort to prevent such occurrences by maintaining a clean roof after the fall leaves and ensuring the gutter system is operational can save you from potential issues. Neglecting this essential maintenance task can lead to expensive repairs.

This specific issue is particularly perilous for a homeowner's wallet, as damages resulting from a lack of maintenance are typically not covered by roofing companies or homeowners' insurance. Protect your investment and avoid unnecessary expenses by prioritizing regular cleaning and upkeep of your roof and gutter system.